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The Importance of Good Health

Good health is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. It allows us to pursue our goals, enjoy meaningful relationships, and live life to the fullest.


What Does It Mean To Be In Good Health?

healthy habits

Developing healthy habits like exercise and proper nutrition can improve overall well-being.

balanced diet

A balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for maintaining optimum physical and mental health.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, improves mood, and strengthens muscles and bones.

Mental health

Focusing on mental wellness, through mindfulness and relaxation, supports emotional stability and resilience.

What Does It Mean To Be In Good Health?

Being healthy does not only mean not suffering from any disease but also implies enjoying physical, mental and social well-being. Although the concept of health may differ for each person depending on their circumstances, the basis of good health is based on correct nutritional habits, and our role is fundamental when it comes to prevention. We are going to talk to you about what it means to have good health and how to achieve it.

What Does Good Health Mean, According To The WHO?

The World Health Organization (WHO), in its constitution approved in 1948, defines health as: “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In 1992, “and in harmony with the environment” was also added to this description.

Each person is different, and depending on their circumstances, such as age or lifestyle, having good health can involve various aspects. For example, a healthy older adult does not share the same conditions as a healthy elite athlete.

Although advances in medical research have allowed us to have a multitude of treatments of all kinds available today to avoid, control, and prevent diseases, our role in looking after our health is essential: all medical professionals agree that to have good health, we must start with good nutritional habits and for this, prevention and education are fundamental pillars.

What Does It Mean To Be In Good Health?

Being healthy does not only mean not suffering from any disease but also implies enjoying physical, mental and social well-being. Although the concept of health may differ for each person depending on their circumstances, the basis of good health is based on correct nutritional habits, and our role is fundamental when it comes to prevention. We are going to talk to you about what it means to have good health and how to achieve it.

How Can We Take Care Of Our Health?

Now that we know precisely what suitable health means, let’s talk about what we can do to lead a healthier life.

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With A Balanced Diet.

Healthy eating provides the body with the essential nutrients and energy needed to maintain our physical well-being and prevent illness. It is rich in fruit, vegetables, legumes and low in fat. To ensure that we are in good health, it is recommended to eat at least 5 different portions of fruit and vegetables a day, fresh and seasonal products, and reduce the consumption of sugar and salt as much as possible. To ensure that a healthy diet does not become dull, there are many possibilities to choose foods and ways of cooking that guarantee that our diet, in addition to being nutritious, can be enjoyable. And since it is about enjoying ourselves, we can treat ourselves from time to time without regrets.

Avoid A Sedentary Lifestyle And Exercise Regularly, Adapted To Each Person's Condition.

Physical activity helps us burn excess calories and tone muscles and bones for old age. It reduces the risk of heart disease and diseases related to blood pressure and cholesterol, keeps us fit, and keeps stress at bay. Exercising does not mean working hard at the gym or running out of breath. There are many activities, such as walking outdoors, dancing, team sports of all kinds, etc., that not only look after our health but also foster social relationships.

Avoid Toxins In Our Body, Such As Alcohol, Tobacco, And Drugs.

The use of harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, whether it is a regular or sporadic use, can put a person’s health at risk. Since these offer temporary compensation to the user, such as disinhibition, a feeling of well-being, euphoria, laughter, or whatever the effect may be, depending on the substance chosen, the harmful consequences are still present.

Damage to vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, and even the brain occurs whenever they are introduced into the body. And contrary to popular belief, the negative consequences do not only appear in the long term, but can begin to be evident much earlier. To enjoy good health, all these toxins must disappear from our lives.

How Can I Help Children Develop Healthy Habits?

As a parent or caregiver, you play an essential role in shaping your children’s eating and drinking habits. When you get into the habit of consuming foods and drinks that are low in added sugars, saturated fats, and salt and high in fiber, the children you care for may learn to like these foods, too. If a child you’re caring for doesn’t want new food right away, don’t get upset. Children often need to see a new food many times before they’ll try it.

Set a good example. As a parent or caregiver, you also have an impact on your child’s physical activity. You don’t have to be an expert at any activity—get up, get moving, and show your child how much fun it can be to be active. They might enjoy it, too. You can set a good example by going for a walk or bike ride instead of watching TV, playing a video game, or surfing the Internet. Find an activity that you both enjoy and can do together.

Talk about staying healthy. As you learn more about how to improve your health, take time to talk to kids about how a particular food or physical activity might help them. For example, when you go for a walk, take the kids with you and let them choose the route. Talk about how walking helps them feel better and is a fun way to spend time together.

Use your children’s food and drink choices as teachable moments. Let them know when they make unhealthy choices. Steer them toward healthier options or say, “You can have a little of that, but not too much.” Talk to them about why an overly salty or sugary snack isn’t the best choice. Avoid making them feel guilty about their food or drink choices.

Promoting healthy habits in children

There is a long list of good habits that everyone should follow, but if you want your children to really put them into practice, don’t overwhelm them with information; instead, start by teaching them the following five habits:

  1. Wash your hands

Children are interested; they want to touch everything they find in their path, and they touch objects and surfaces that contain bacteria and viruses that are not visible but are there and can cause diseases because it is widespread to put their hands to their mouth, eyes, or nose.

Handwashing should last 20 seconds, using soap and water and gently rubbing the palms and back of the hands to completely clean the entire area of ​​the body.

  1. Brush your teeth 3 times a day

It is essential to talk to your children about dental care because foods they love, such as sweets, tend to cause cavities that affect oral health. Therefore, to have a white and radiant smile, they should brush their teeth 3 times a day.

  1. Practice some sport

Children seem to be tireless beings, so to take advantage of all that energy they have, you can enroll your children in a sport that they like since it has been proven that doing at least 30 minutes of exercise improves the development of children and not only physically, but also mentally and socially.

  1. Have a balanced diet

If one of your impossible missions is to get your children to eat vegetables or certain foods that they have never even tried but rejected, what you can do is prepare delicious dishes that include a portion of protein, some legumes or cereals, and fruits and vegetables. The key is knowing how to combine all the foods and make a very colorful dish so that they are encouraged to try and leave the plate clean.…